Popeye the Sailorpedia

Goonland is the 65th Popeye cartoon, released on October 21, 1938 by Fleischer Studios. It features Jack Mercer as both Popeye and Poopdeck Pappy, in the latter's screen debut. It also contains the only theatrical appearance of the Goons.


Popeye goes on an adventure in search of his father. Pappy was imprisoned on Goon Island by the native Goons. Upon arriving, Popeye dressed up as a Goon to safely reach his Pappy. When he found Poopdeck Pappy in his cell, he wanted his father to escape with him, but Pappy did not beleve Popeye was his son. Then, Popeye got caught by the Goons, which took him away. When Popeye tried to eat his spinach, one of the Goons knocked it out of his hand. The can rolled to Pappy, who then decided to use the power of spinach to help his son. Meanwhile, the Goons attempted to kill Popeye with a boulder, but Pappy saved him. Together, they defeated the Goons and escaped from the island, reunited at last.

Popeye's Pappy


Popeye's Pappy is Famous Studios's color remake of Popeye's quest for Poopdeck Pappy as seen in 1938's Goonland. Again, it stars Jack Mercer as both characters and was released in 1952 as the 185th Popeye cartoon. This update is however less suited for modern sensibilities as it replaces Goonland's titular antagonists with stereotypical African characters that might be seen as offensive.


In a rare animated appearance, Popeye's mother tells her son about Pappy's long-ago departure, upon which Popeye sets sail in search of his father. Soon enough, he comes across the island where "King Pappy" is tended by many tribesmen - and women. Popeye simply walks up to him and tries to take him back home, but Pappy is not thrilled about this and twice escapes Popeye's attempts to carry him off. A disguise as an attractive lady fails, but Popeye is finally able to trap his father. Pappy summons the tribe's warriors to his aid, and the King's son is captured and set to become a soup ingredient. Seeing this causes Pappy to have a change of heart, challenging the cannibals but being coldly dismissed. He makes use of an "emergency spinach can", sharing it with his son, and the two are able to hold off the native warriors. Father and son then sail away together.

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